Thursday, March 18, 2010

Recipe: Broiled Citrus

So, during the great blizzard of 2010, I found myself extremely hungry and craving something sweet. I found a simple recipe for broiled fruits in the Washington Post that day, but didn't have exactly the right ingredients at hand. But no worries, the improv gods were at hand to give me inspiration, and what I came up with turned out pretty delicious :)

Here is my (modified) recipe:
Ingredients:  (for 2 mini pie pans)
- Sectioned tangerines, oranges, or clementines. I used about one fruit per mini pie pan.
- 1 sliced banana
- 1/2 cup dried cranberries
- 1/4 cup white or brown sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder

-I split all the ingredients in half, and put one half in each mini pie pan. I layered the fruits - bananas first, then the citrus, and lastly the dried cranberries, and added sugar and a sprinkle cinnamon powder between each layer. I also sprinkled sugar on top of the dried cranberries. 
-Next, I broiled the fruits for about 5-7 minutes, or until the sugar had begun to caramelize. Brown sugar caramelizes better than white sugar, but since I did not have any brown sugar in the house during the snowstorm I did with white sugar. 
-Cool the mini-pie pans and enjoy the broiled fruit while its still warm! You can even top it with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream for a simple, delicious dessert :)

*Note: you can try this recipe with more seasonal fruits like strawberries, mangoes, and peaches. I'm going to give it a shot come summer. 

Here is the original recipe from the Washington post, which uses ginger, nutmeg, brown sugar, grapefruits, oranges, and blueberries. One of these days when I actually have all the ingredients, I will try out the original recipe.

(Image from the Washington Post)

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